Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Dangers of Bear Spray

Prior to explaining this dream, I feel it is essential to provide a little bit of background:

Over the holidays, my mother decided to contact my dearest love via text message regarding purchasing pepper spray for her daugther in order to provide some safety measure for her walks home from where she parks her car so late at night.  Of course, the response she received was that pepper spray is illegal in Canada, BUT, bear spray could be used in the case of an emergency providing the similar excruciating affects of pepper spray.  Given her overbearing (no pun intended) concern for her only child, she immediately insisted I purchase a can of bear spray from Canadian Tire, which, might I add is $50.00 after tax.  So now, I am told by my mother that I must carry this large can of bear spray in my bag at all times! **Background finished (below please see a picture of the infamous spray) **

Onto the Dream:

So last night, I dreamt that I was in a forest all by my lonesome, awaiting something (I can't entirely recollect what,) but I remember it was something scary .... and everytime something would present itself from the shadows it proved to be but a mere cuddly cute rabbit or squirrel of some sort and I would have to resist spraying.  All of the waiting of course made the anxiety more unbearable (no pun intended again) and suddenly from the shadows of a bush I was hiding beside came a BIG .... FAT .... SCARY .... Deer. Yup... and of course, I sprayed the poor harmless deer until it fell to the floor and I was left to rehabilitate this now blinded creature ...

Truly, it was horrible.  I felt extremely guilty.  Especially since I do love animals so much... and especially since it was a deer and NOT a bear nor a rapist or serial killer. 

I really can't say what this dream means. Am I waiting for something ugly to come my way? Should I be more cautious about whom I judge to be scary and mean?  Bear Spray Ina? Really?  Alas, this is not the weirdest of my dreams, but I can for certain say that the things that happen in real life are often reflected in weird presentations at night whilst I sleep.  Till next time .... sweet dreams people!

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