Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Lucid Dreaming is nothing like this ...

There has been a lot of talk as of late in regards to dreaming, specifically with regards to the recent tragic events in Tucson, Arizona wherein Congresswoman Giffords and several others were violently gunned down by the very young Jarred Loughner. 

Recent information has surfaced claiming that Loughner had become fascinated with lucid dreaming, a dream state that you can enter when you are half asleep.  While dreaming, the individual is aware that he/she is in a state of dreaming yet continues to remain present within that dream as a dreamer.

For Loughner, his lucid dreaming is rather relevant to the heinous crime that took place because according to the European Science Foundation, lucid dreaming creates distinct patterns of electrical activity in the brain that have similarities to the patterns made by psychotic conditions.  Loughner's dream journal allegedly revealed statements of Congresswoman Gifford's "fakeness" of some sort.  The question as to what point in time his dream world and his real world became fatally intertwined is of great interest.

Let me just say, first of all, that the lucid dreaming that I partake in is not at all violent or frightening, but rather, a conscious presence of mind that I am not asleep nor that I am fully awake.  In fact, my lucid dreaming is merely being so self aware that I can see myself as a third person. 

Second of all, Loughner's alleged drug habit most likely prevented him from fully sleeping and also could have had an affect on his psychotic violent condition.  I am very very far from this. VERY VERY FAR FROM THIS.

Moreover, Loughner could have very well been plagued with psychological delusions evident in lucid dreaming taking place repeatedly after the subject has already awoken.  Again, I AM NOT DELUSIONAL.

I do not mean for this post to seem overly defensive (defensive for nothing in fact) however, I do feel it necessary to distinguish those everynight/day dreamers from those whose lives have unfortunately been plagued with heavy drug use and whatever other causal effects that subsequently lead to a tipping point of such  magnitude.  Whatever the case may be, dream journals are very telling (as I have come to realize with the creation of this blog). 

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