Thursday, January 20, 2011


Let me preface this post by stating that I've had a dream similar to this before a few years ago and it FREAKED ME OUT.  I truly hope to not have to go through one of these dreams any time soon.

The last post I wrote about an "inception" like dream called "lucid" dreaming where the dreamer is dreaming but isn't entirely fully asleep.  Well I had another one this morning.  I had already woken up a few times this morning when this dream occurred. 

Basically, my dream is that I am lying in bed (exact real time setting ) ... and I can't physically move. My body is so heavy and I have hardly a voice to speak, scream or cry.  The weird thing is, that I know I am dreaming, and I know I need to wake up, but my real struggle is trying to wake myself up.  I figured, that by falling off my bed, perhaps that would give me a jolt and therefore awaken me.  Unfortunately, because my body is so heavy, I am unable to push myself over the edge.  Eventually I get a call on my cell and that's all the jolt I need to wake up. 

As soon as I awaken, I look at my clock and realize that the dream had only lasted about 10 minutes, but in my dream, I felt like it was at least 2 hours of pure mental and physical struggle.  

I can't really explain the exact emotions that had resonated throughout this time ... all I can say is I hope this dream doesn't visit me any time soon. 

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