Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The beginning ...

For as long as I can remember, I have been able to remember just about every dream I have had the morning after ... I've never thought it strange until recently after having spoken with a few friends about the movie Inception and the idea of "dreaming".  What I have discovered is, that I may very well belong to the rare few in this world who dream every night, and in addition, recall each dream the morning after. 

What does this mean?  Why do I dream so often? Or rather, more importantly (as I have heard we all dream every night,) why do I remember each dream? 

I will admit, however, that my recollection isn't always entirely vivid.  Moreover, the recollection does fade towards the end of the day.  Despite this, I do find it intriguing that I am able to recall at least bits and pieces of emotions, scenarios and even particular environments that the dream took place in.  I have decided to place a pad of paper and a pen by my bedside every night, so that in the morning I am able to recall as much as possible.

I know this may seem a bit kitchy, but the real purpose of this blog, is to see receive general feedback in regards to particular dreams that I have, or even, retrieve feedback from others who dream as I dream ...

My recollection is what intrigues me ... YOUR FEEDBACK ON WHAT THESE DREAMS EVEN MEAN... is what intrigues me the most ... 

- Inzy Andrea

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