Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My First Recorded Dream ... oh the randomness!

So I awoke this morning (or shall I say afternoon) to remember having dreamt of my dear friend Caroline. 

Caroline, in this dream, was a fashion designer at a designer event whereby my presence was requested so that I may assist her in the show.  Not only was I to help prepare the clothing, but I was also to model!

That's right, the 5 ft.-nothing Ina was to model for the 6 ft-something Caroline! LOL ...

Caroline and I did our make-up and prepared the clothes which were originally in a white plastic bag.  Other people were stopping by and taking a look at her clothing which we placed on a display rack. 

The motif of her collection was pink and green, and GET THIS... made out of pure WOOL.  I thought it was lovely!

I recall choosing which outfit I wanted to wear, and decided on horizontal pinstripe wool pants and an equally horizontal green pinstripe sweater.  Long sleeves and long pants were needed for me because my skin was not fairing so well due to the dry winter air (TRUE in reality btw) ...

Caroline was happy with my choice and even recommended a pair of lovely shoes to go with it.  I don't recall having been in the show itself ... but I do know that I wasn't nervous (perhaps bc of my fashion show experience in the past ... TRUE in reality). 

What does this dream mean? Is Caroline going to be a famous wool designer in the future? Do I just miss her pretty face? Am I fed up with this dry winter weather? 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The beginning ...

For as long as I can remember, I have been able to remember just about every dream I have had the morning after ... I've never thought it strange until recently after having spoken with a few friends about the movie Inception and the idea of "dreaming".  What I have discovered is, that I may very well belong to the rare few in this world who dream every night, and in addition, recall each dream the morning after. 

What does this mean?  Why do I dream so often? Or rather, more importantly (as I have heard we all dream every night,) why do I remember each dream? 

I will admit, however, that my recollection isn't always entirely vivid.  Moreover, the recollection does fade towards the end of the day.  Despite this, I do find it intriguing that I am able to recall at least bits and pieces of emotions, scenarios and even particular environments that the dream took place in.  I have decided to place a pad of paper and a pen by my bedside every night, so that in the morning I am able to recall as much as possible.

I know this may seem a bit kitchy, but the real purpose of this blog, is to see receive general feedback in regards to particular dreams that I have, or even, retrieve feedback from others who dream as I dream ...

My recollection is what intrigues me ... YOUR FEEDBACK ON WHAT THESE DREAMS EVEN MEAN... is what intrigues me the most ... 

- Inzy Andrea